Description | The WAVE TERM is the central component of the PPG Music Computer System. It allows the musician to create not only compositions but also his own sounds, both being creatively assisted by use of the monitor screen. A printer can be connected up the WAVE TERM providing readouts of all monitor screen information including complete EVENT tables of compositions. Thus all the entered data can be recorded on paper and checked.
The PPG WAVE TERM has a video monitor with graphics and an Audio Signal Processor for recording natural sounds (sampling). All data can be stored on to floppy disc. The WAVE TERM has two drives, one for the System Diskette and one for the User Diskette.
Control of the WAVE TERM is carried out using 10 programmed softkeys and 10 numerical keys. The function of every softkey can be immediatly recognised by illuminated words on the monitor screen.
The WAVE TERM's various functions
1. Recording sounds and/or combining and modulating them.
2. Recording compositions (Sequences) and modulating them.
3. combining the System Components and
4. storing and recalling data.
You can record 16 bit sounds (musical instruments, human voice, animal noises, sound effects) and then modulate them using various kinds of manipulation (playing them backwards, combining them directly together or with one sound after the other). Adjustment of the natural sounds is done with the pots on the WAVE 2.3/2.2 using the envelopes or tuning etc. The sounds can be extended using LOOPS, and a sound analysis (harmonic content) for possible synthetic imitation can be carried out at any point of the waveform. The WAVE TERM can also be used to load 16 bit natural sounds into the WAVE 2.3 or EVU. These 16 bit sounds are supplied by PPG on a special diskette. They can also be modulated using the WAVE 2.3 pots. The modulation of the 16 bit sounds can be stored without erasing the original sounds.
Synthetic sounds can be created with Waveforms built by entering harmonics in a table. These Waveforms can be then combined into Wavetables and the computer will calculate the intermediary values. The Waveforms and Wavetables can be loaded into the WAVE 2.3/2.2 or into the EVU.
In addition Resonator Curves can be drawn which can modulate the Wavetables (resonator effect) or control the loudness of natural sounds (eg: tremolo, crescendo etc). Composers often find the EVENT Generator the most interesting aspect of the WAVE TERM. Using the WAVE TERM monitor screen 8 Voices of a composition can be simultaneously worked on, that is independent of the program up to 8 Voices will sound simultaneously.
16 bit Sampling, 5.25 inch floppy disk drives, WAVE 2.3 plays samples at 12 bit resolution (compressed), sequencer on board, storage of patchs and ability to load several samples into 2.3.